Blog / English / Työ(ttömyys) · 23.06.2024

What Do We Sole Entrepreneurs Really Want?

What is it that you really want ❓

I was asked this last week when I, for the zillionth time, complained to my project manager about not receiving payment for my invoice in time. After having complained about the same issue for 2 years in a row, regularly after 2-3 months intervals, I am extremely frustrated. As a small business owner I need my invoices to be paid in time. That is my expectation, when I send my client an invoice, specified by the payment term that we both have agreed. That is the least they can do, to pay the invoice in time. You would think, right?

So after having done all this complaining and not still being able see that happening, I have to ask.

What is it that you, as an employee in a large company want (when you yourself get paid on time, and your work entails dealing with small business owners)?

With your salary in your pocket you can go to a hairdresser, get a manicure, visit a massage therapist and at your gym your PT instructs you and you have hired the help of a gardener, pool cleaner or ordered a kitchen renovation. You expect that the entrepreneur who performs the job for you, has new, or fairly new equipment, has maybe been able to hire more staff, is reliable and trustworthy and their business is creditworthy. Everything works!

You expect the person to have had a good night sleep, free of any stress, they are willing to work for you and they are happy to put on a little extra. You want them to be secure in their life, not to struggle to stay afloat, not to occupy their mind with cashflow problems, and you maybe expect a good job performer to even expand their business, if they have a chance to do so.

So, what is it that I really want? It’s a weird question in a situation where I have so many times told, what it is that I want.

I want my invoice to be paid in time. There is no secret agenda or something that I “really really want”. Just a simple request, please pay the invoice of a small business entrepreneur in time. It is good for the said entrepreneur and it is good for their family and in the end that good comes back to you.

I am so tired of being a sole entrepreneur. I have never felt this insecure in my life in regards of money and work situation. I have never had to worry on this level, about my phone subscription being cut off or getting penalty fees for rent being late yet again. I am so tired that it is affecting my job performance. There is no motivation, since regardless of what you do, the money will not be there.

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